CDP’s Corporate Environmental Action Tracker (CEAT) is a one-of-a-kind tool that makes aggregated CDP data user-friendly and accessible to all to track the state of corporate climate disclosure and action.
Launched in 2023, the CDP Corporate Environmental Action Tracker is part of CDP’s wider aim to make its data public and more accessible. The interactive tool gives companies, capital markets and the public access to an aggregated environmental data set. Users can explore the data to inform decisions and understand corporate progress since 2019 towards commitments disclosed through CDP. The tracker also offers insight into the potential impact of achieving or missing those targets.
The tracker shows the status of action taken on climate by companies disclosing through CDP. The transition journey is broken down into six steps with a series of indicators to measure progress at global, country/area, financial index and sector levels. Results are shown by reporting year ie the calendar year preceding the questionnaire/disclosure year which the analysis is based on. For example, the data shown as reporting year 2022 are derived from questionnaire responses from the 2023 disclosure cycle.
Future iterations of the tracker will bring together CDP’s environmental data, allowing stakeholders to take a holistic approach to tackling the climate and nature crises.
What are the indicators for each step and what do they show?
Disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions – the level of emissions disclosure by companies.
Board-level oversight – the proportion of emissions under board-level oversight and/or C-suite responsibility.
Executive incentives – the proportion of emissions from companies incentivizing leadership for the management of climate-related issues.
Target Setting
Target ambition – the proportion of emissions from companies that already have a target, and what type.
Target coverage – the proportion of emissions from companies that have a Scope 3 target.
Strategy and Transition Plan
Climate transition plan disclosure – the proportion of emissions from companies developing credible climate transition plans.
Risk and opportunity management process – the proportion of emissions under a risk and opportunity management process.
Value chain engagement – the proportion of emissions from companies engaging with their value chain on climate-related issues.
Target Attainment
Targets on track – the proportion of emissions from companies on track to achieving their targets.
Target Impact
Expected impact of targets – the emissions reductions that will be achieved if companies meet their stated absolute targets.
Potential impact of targets – the emissions reductions that could be achieved if all actors adopted and achieved the same targets as companies disclosing through CDP.
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